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Volunteer programme

Through the volunteer programme we try to boost the active participation of volunteers in run by the organisation as well as other projects in which they are needed.

We offer tasks designed to adequately motivate volunteers, a gradual process of induction into the organisation and an ongoing training programme.

The Volunteer Programme that we have designed establishes the rights, responsibilities and methodsof the volunteer, as well as training and learning methodologies and certificates.

Within this plan, but under some more concrete conditions, we include participants in the European Voluntary Service section of the Erasmus+ Programme.

How can I become a volunteer with PROSEC?
[dijous, 27 de març de 2014]

If you are someone who thinks another world is possible and you want to pitch in, you can support us in various ways which are detailed in the section “get involved with PROSEC”.

Get involved with PROSEC

Youth volunteering campaign (Secretary of State for Young People)
[dilluns, 20 de gener de 2014]

We conduct campaigns to inform people about the services and projects we develop and to promote the PROSEC Volunteering Programme in order to boost volunteer participation with the organisation or in special events.

The objective is to promote volunteering not only as a tool for social assistance but also as a learning process.

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